Baby! It’s cold!!!

It is far too cold outside. Like really, waayyy too cold. For someone who refuses to purchase a car at the moment, it needs to get warmer or its time for another migration. I’m a girl who is always cold. Like seriously, my uggs are a second skin during colder months and I am cheap so I keep the heat kinda down and later up. My mommy bought me this fuzzy blanket a few years ago and I wear that over my robe and City Year quarter-zip around the house some days. I really don’t like cold.

Cold weather gets some of us single or single-ish people thinking about the warmth we missed out on during cuffin’ season. I mean, winter time is big-boy (or girl) season but some of us don’t have a big, skinny, or other; just out here solo-dolo. We are cold and lonely. We get to thinking about the “what ifs” and whether it not we missed out on our opportunity for love. We wonder whether our ship has sailed and we should learn to like cats. We think of loves that have passed, flings, and those who got away just in time. We sort of regret not giving ol’ dude or ol’girl the time of day when they approached us because we wouldn’t be bored and cold right now.

As I enter into season 4 of Scandal on Netflix (I never finished the series) I sit thinking about these things. My toes are cold and I wonder, had I not laughed that one person who proposed to me with a set of car keys off or turned my nose up when I learned about a good friend (whom I had no clue) being interested, what could have happened? Would my toes still be cold? Would I still have my super-long last name? (I plan to marry someone with no more than 5 letters in their last name and dropping this thang like it’s hot because standardized tests were the bane of my existence! Try learning all 28 letters of your full name in order at 3. And the hyphen- Thanks, mom and dad!)

I sit and ponder what could have been but I am also grateful to those I missed out on. The good Lord takes care of babies and fools. I think about the disasters I avoided. Like y’all, someone prayed a real good prayer for me! I also think about the things I have done and the lessons I have learned. I mean, I just took a crazy, 36-hour trip to Vegas! My ability to do things like that would be drastically limited if I had a family to consider. A husband and babies wouldn’t cramp my style, but they’d cramp my style. I couldn’t just eat tortillas chips and Trader Joe’s Swedish fish for dinner because there are other people to consider. My sleep music would have to stop. Am I really ready to give all that up? Am I ready to give up downing three bottles of prosecco with a friend, sleeping the night on her couch, and calling into work the next day up? I wonder but I am content with where life has taken me this far. I wouldn’t trade any part of this journey.

So sis, if you’re sitting in your drafty apartment wearing wool socks and Uggs, wrapped in a fluffy robe and blanket, eating ice cream for dinner, worrying about why you are single, let that go. Let go of any pre-conceived notions of what life should look like. Don’t trip about having had a baby before you were able to reach some of your financial goals. Don’t trip about being over 30 and still single as a loosy. It’s cool. We all have our own journeys that teach us about ourselves. They strengthen us. The grow us. Trust the journey, embrace it. In the end, it’s what makes you, you, and will provide great stories for the grandkids.


Give Yourself Permission


The Creation Story…Kinda…