
Distractions 3.jpg

Distractions are insane. We don’t realize they are distractions until we are, indeed, distracted. It’s crazy. We can't figure it out until we’re in it.

Our distractions come in many forms, social media, television, food, work, family, church, him or her, or them (however you get down). We allow ourselves to be pulled away from whatever it is that we are supposed to be doing.

If I'm being 100 with ya'll, I've allowed myself to be distracted from starting (re-starting) LBW since 2016. I've been not writing and kicking my feet about all this. I've changed my hair, gotten lost on IG threads, started movie watching challenges, binge-watched TV shows, and even threw myself, something heavy, into the side-hustles. I have helped friends and family fix their lives and found all of the newest books by minority women (I'll share some good reads soon, remind me) and done everything but walk in this part of my purpose. I've been distracted.

I have allowed commitments, fear, and my lack of knowledge/ expertise in this area allow myself to become distracted.

The thing about distractions, though, is that eventually you get bored of them. They get old. You wake up and realize what it is that you have been doing. Or if you're like me you have some amazing people in your life whom you promise you love but they have one more time to look at you in that tone of voice to get you in check before you run up on 'em- even if they're right and you need to get your life together. I've digressed.

But really, you get that wake-up call. You get that nudge saying come on sis, you know what your supposed to be doing. You're so much more talented than this. You have more in you than what you're doing. You're worth more than this. [Replace "you" with "I"and "me" here, because it's my story too ] And then you him-and-haw and refuse to admit it knowing good and well you need to jump to it, go back to your distraction, feel uncomfortable, find a new distraction -a ol' what's his name who ain't sh!t and we know it- lose attention and get mad because we're uncomfortable. FINALLY we give up and do what it is that we are supposed to be doing.

Well, all of that annoying cycle could have been avoided if we just did what it is, we were supposed to be doing in the first place. (I'm talking to myself now too)

Whatever it is that you believe, however you believe, whether you're Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Taoist, Sikh, or whatever, I am pretty confident that you believe we all have a passion deep inside of us. Something that we are led or called to do. There's a need, a desire, yearning to do it but far too often we allow ourselves to be distracted from it. We hide it. We bury it in the depths of our being hoping it will be quiet. But it's like a kettle on the stove, eventually it starts to whistle. The whistle is slight at first. Something real low, you hard'y notice it. But then it gets louder, and louder until it's that inescapable, annoying screech. You just have to do something about it. You can't hide it anymore.

Sis let's not be distracted anymore. Let's stop hiding from our passion, stop trying to avoid doing what we're supposed to be doing. Let's explore this side of us. Let's take that step and pick up that paint brush or get cosmetology license! Apply for law school! Leave that job you hate and start teaching! Learn to cook! Open that restaurant! Open that store! (don't sell hair on IG and tag me on a pic because I liked a hair tutorial video though. Don't, don't do that, you'll be cancelled)

Let's do this. Let's be the women we are supposed to be. Let's do what we are supposed to be doing. Let's let go of these distractions. No, like really though. Let's do this. Take a minute, identify what these distractions are and let's cut them out.

Imma stop wasting my time on the internet and avoiding work. Imma stop hiding from the world. Imma stop availing myself to help others all of the time instead of putting boundaries on relationships (yeah, I'm getting real real). Imma stop allowing people and energies into my life (or to stay in my life) are all about themselves or only want me around them for their benefit. I'mma stop allowing this is just for entertainment, to occupy my time into my life.

I'mma focus on this. My focus is on LBW. My focus is on writing. I am dropping my distractions. I don't know what this is going to be. It might be just be three readers, me, myself, and I, but I'm doing this. I am exploring this piece of me. I'm allowing myself to show myself vulnerable. I am scared out of my mind, but I'm doing it. But my skin is looking clearer, my edges are looking thicker, my pants are fitting a little bit loose.

What are your distractions and what are they keeping you from?


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